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Fundraising Dinner

UNACC Fund Raising Dinner to benefit our "Street to School Program"

We recently held our first UNACC fund raising dinner to benefit our Street to School Program that we have launched in the greater Kabul area. We are pleased to report that the event was a major success. The street to school program is designed to sponsor orphaned and destitute children working the streets to support their families. Their participation in the workforce and tireless hard work to feed their families denies them the opportunity to attend school and get an education. Based on reports compiled by UNICEF, underage working children make up a significant segment of the population of children in Afghanistan and its trending upward, it is in this area where UNACC's program is designed to make a difference and make a positive contribution in reversing this dangerous trend.

Our initial goal was to raise $20,000 to help support a minimum of 20 families for the upcoming year to help the street kids get off the street and enroll them in school and substitute their earnings with the funds we have raised. It is with pride we announce that our community, friends and family have committed to donate a whopping $22,000 in support of this program! Many of the donors are also in fact monthly sponsors of these kids. The generosity of our friends and family from our community has indeed been unbelievable and a source of inspiration for all of us.

In the larger context of the dire conditions in Afghanistan the contributions we are making may appear to be small in scope. However, the difference these contributions will make in the lives of 20 families many with multiple young children will be significant and life altering. It will allow them to have access to education, food, shelter and some level of basic healthcare and hopefully enable these children to become healthy, self reliant, educated citizens that will contribute to the socio-economic fabric of Afghanistan for a long time to come.

Our long term plan is to expand this program each year to a larger segment of the kid's population over the next five years. We will have a robust program in place to facilitate and monitor the progress of the kids we support to ensure they are always on the path to success. We are proud to announce that we have already started the program with ten (10) kids onboard already and will enlist ten (10) additional kids in the next couple of months.

A very heartfelt THANKS to our community for believing in this worthy cause. Moreover with entrusting our group of young volunteers (who are whole heartedly trying to make a positive contribution to the lives of these deservingly beautiful children) with your hard earned donation dollars. Our commitment to you is that we will spend every single dime you have donated towards this program to directly and effectively benefit the kids and their families.

Summary of UNACC Street to School Fundraising Dinner

The event was a huge success- with over 200 attendees! Event commencement with MC Nadia Akseer's opening remarks.


The prize table! Prizes included a bicycle, TV, playbook, 5 BBQs, $50 gift cards to Yorkdale mall, gift baskets, and much much more!

Our lovely volunteers hard at work registering guests and giving out raffle tickets.

The Red Pashmina Campaign table set up.

UNACC President Zabi Noorzad providing background about Street to School Initiative.

Maryam from Red Pashmina interacting with audience in a very inspiring and engaging talk!

SRBros Entertainment brothers Roshan and Shukran preparing to entertain the audience with their first skit...

...and there they go..

It got very emotional as you can see :)