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Internally Displaced Refugees
Update December 2021
We are almost approaching the end of the campaign that had started in August. To date, more than 600 families have received cash donations or have been enrolled in the bread distribution program through 5 bakeries (for a total of over $54,000.OO USD). In the next update, we will report on the final results and will provide information on the start of our new campaign for support during winter months.
Update November 2021
With the help of Allah SWT, the work of distribution of cash donations to the displaced and those in destitute is continuing. To date, close to 333 families have received between $100 USD and $200 USD. The work of distribution of the most basic food items have also begun. As of now we distributed more than 4600 breads to the needy and displaced families.
Our volunteers work diligently to ensure that every dollar collected ends in the hands of the most deserving.
Through our team of volunteers in Kabul, we aim to support the thousands of internally displaced families in this turbulent time. Every dollar you donate will be directly distributed to those deserving families living in dire conditions.
Please send your contribution to this lifesaving campaign by:
eTransfer to info@unacc.ca
All donations of $20.00 and more qualify for tax receipt. Act Now!
Please share this message with your network of friends and family