Street to School / Yar Mohammad

Yar Mohammad

Yar Mohammad is a hardworking young. He was born in 2006 in Kabul province.

He lives with his parents, brother, and two sisters. One of his sisters is widowed, and with her own 2 children, lives in the same house as the rest of the family.

Yar's father is unable to work due to serious medical conditions affecting his mobility. Her mother is unemployed as well.

UNACC supports this family since 2014. The family lives in at a two-bedroom rental home in Qargha district of Kabul province.

Yar Mohammad is in grade 7 at Rasoul Amin School. He also works as an intern in a metal workshop.

He wants to become a police officer.

Yar Mohammad's family is thankful for your help. Should you wish to sponsor this family, please contact: or at 647-929-0757